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Prof. Dr. D. Juan Zornoza Pérez
Rafael Mínguez Prieto




Start: September





Course of Access to the Legal Profession

  • Going beyond the spirit of Law 34/2006, ISDE has designed a course for access to the practice of law that not only provides the knowledge and professional skills needed to pass the subsequent State Examination, but also introduces its students to the professional practice of elite law firms and departments. To this end, it relies on the professional expertise of more than 250 national and international firms, which train students during the first phase of the program and integrate them into their staff during the internship phase, with a view to their definitive incorporation.

    Adding the best of the profession and the academy, the artificial gap between theory and practice is overcome and the students move from the abstraction of the hypothetical case to the direct application in the real case. The final objective is no longer just to pass exams. It is about giving the best possible advice and defence to the one who will be the centre of our professional work: the client.

    For a better preparation of your students for their future professional career, access to the practice of law can be combined with the following specialization programs:

    • Master in International Law, Foreign Trade & International Relations
    • Master in Sports Management and Legals Skills with F.C. Barcelona
    • Master in Fashion and Luxury: Law, Business and Marketing
    • Master in eSports Business.

  • CAMPUS: Barcelona

    DURATION: 18 months


    First phase (Classroom instruction):

    • A complete academic year.
    • Classes from Monday to Friday in the morning
    • Some mornings per week students will attend conferences and practical sessions in offices and institutions collaborating with ISDE, with offices in the city of Madrid.

    Second phase (Integration in internships):

    • Obligatory phase. One academic semester in law firms or legal departments of big companies collaborating with ISDE (more than 250), both national and international.

  • The graduates of the Course will be able to apply, without any doubt, to work in the most prestigious law firms of our country, thanks to the training in excellence they receive and to the realization of internships in firms that have already committed their collaboration with ISDE.


    • Baker & McKenzie
    • Rousaud Costas Duran
    • Clifford Chance
    • Cuatrecasas
    • Junyent Rock
    • Martell Lawyers
    • EY
    • Lupicinium
    • KPMG
    • Osborne Clarke
    • Andersen Tax & Legal
    • 1961 Lawyers and Economists
    • Gremicat
    • AEQUO
    • Ayuso Lawyers
    • Abdon Pedrajas
    • Legal Fils
    • Garrigues
    • Suarez de Vivero Law Firm
    • Fermín Morales Legal Office
    • Bataller Balaguer Lawyers
    • García-Valdecasas Lawyers
    • Ruiz & Del Valle Painting
    • Durán Sindreu Legal and Tax Advisors
    • Miliners
    • DAUSS Abogados & Rechtsanwälte, S.L.P.

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