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Legal notice



I. Applicability

This document is applicable to all candidates and students (hereinafter, the STUDENT) of the postgraduate Master programs, Courses, Seminars (hereinafter the PROGRAM) at the Instituto Superior de Derecho y Economía (hereinafter ISDE).

Specific conditions may be established in the tuition contract of each particular program.


II. Faculty

ISDE with its best judgment selects the most suitable teachers for the STUDENT and proper monitoring thereof; the most updated materials, and the best online methodology that allows the STUDENT to attain the highest achievement in the PROGRAM that they have formalized their enrollment in.

III. Modification of contents

ISDE reserves itself the right to make any necessary changes in the structure and content of the PROGRAM, to offer the best training and the latest materials to the STUDENT.

IV. Certifying Title

Once the corresponding PROGRAM is complete and has been checked by ISDE with regards that the STUDENT has done his tasks properly, the STUDENT will receive the Certifying Title for each Degree Program.


V. Selection process for candidates

Candidates must complete the selection process established by ISDE for each PROGRAM. The lack of honesty in the information provided, as well as the conducting of the tests, when necessary, will result in immediate dismissal from the PROGRAM.

VI. Tuition and other amounts owed to ISDE

The payment of the tuition implies the commitment on the part of the student to occupy an irreplaceable place, said commitment is always in its entirety, even if it is divided into monthly payments for convenience. Therefore, if the student incurs in temporary or permanent withdrawal, they will not be exempt from full payment of their tuition for the entire period of the academic year.

Non-payment of tuition, in the terms and conditions set out in DIPLOMA OF ADMISSION, or any taxes, service fees or other amounts due to ISDE may result in denial of access and continuity in the PROGRAM, if ISDE´s Academic Board decides so, subject to the right of ISDE to claim the amounts due.

VII. Withdrawal of enrolment by the student

I. Withdrawal

All the rights recognized by Spanish legislation assist the STUDENT and, in particular, the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users or law that supersedes it.

The STUDENT therefore has 14 calendar days starting from the formalization of the registration to withdraw from the Program.

II. Withdrawal before the start of the Program

The request must be expressly communicated in writing.

In case ISDE´s Academic Evaluation Commission considers the withdrawal request to be justified, the refund of the amounts paid by the student will be made in accordance with the following conditions:

  • Refund of 80% of the total amount paid, if the request is made more than seven (7) months in advance of the planned start date of the program.
  • Refund of 60% of the total amount paid, if the request is made more than four (4) months in advance and less than seven (7), with respect to the planned start date of the Program.
  • Refund of 40% of the total amount paid, if the request is made more than two (2) months in advance and less than four (4), with respect to the planned start date of the Program.
  • No refund will take place if the request is sent less than two months before the planned start date of the Program. In this case, ISDE reserves the right to claim the full amount of the Program. The Academic Evaluation Committee of ISDE may agree, once the request has been assessed, if it is necessary to cancel the student’s registration and, therefore, not claim the amounts that are pending.

In all reimbursements and refunds, ISDE will retain the amount of € 300 for administrative management expenses.

In order to calculate the deadlines and in the event that a particular day of the start of the program is not indicated, ISDE will take into account that the start date is the 15th day of the month in which the start of the program is planned.

III. Withdrawal more than two months in advance before the start of the program

In any case, and as an alternative to the previous point, the student may also choose, if the request is made more than two months before the planned start of the program, any of the following two options.

  1. Reserve his place for the next edition of the same PROGRAM, in which case the relevant adjustments will be made in the amounts per registration and reservation, a surcharge may apply for the change of edition, or ,.
  2. Reserve his place in another PROGRAM, in which case the pertinent adjustments will be made in the amounts per registration and reservation, and a surcharge may apply for the change of edition.

IV. Once the Program has started

The request for withdrawal of the registration once the PROGRAM has started, will not entitle the student to any type of refund.

The Academic Evaluation Committee of ISDE may agree, once the request has been assessed, if it is necessary to cancel the student’s registration and, therefore, not claim the amounts that are pending.

In all reimbursements and refunds, ISDE will retain a minimum amount of € 300 for administrative management expenses.

V. In case the student has received a scholarship

STUDENTS who have received scholarships to study THE PROGRAM will be subject to the scholarship granting policy of the corresponding entity to determine the consequences of the request for withdrawal of the registration and the possibility or not of returning the amounts paid.

VI. Program implementation/delivery

The place in which the PROGRAM is imparted, as well as its start date may vary for academic reasons (calendar changes and adaptations, needs of additional teaching resources, etc.) and also for organizational or logistic matters, (adaptation of facilities to the course).

Any definitive change in where the PROGRAM is imparted, will take place only within the cities of Madrid, Barcelona and Oviedo (Spain), and the start date, will be communicated to students in advance.


I. Grounds for refusal of access and continuity in the PROGRAM

ISDE reserves itself the right to deny access and continuity in the PROGRAM to participants who show a behavior that affects the normal functioning of classes, forums or engage in activities that violate their code of conduct, such as:

  1. The dissemination, without proper authorization, of materials provided at the completion of the courses or programs.
  2. The use of personal username and password to access the Virtual Campus by more than one person, causing ISDE a clear fraud.
  3. Carrying out activities that violate the intellectual property rights of ISDE, their teachers or peers.
  4. Lack of respect for people and ideas.
  5. Lack of respect for the teacher’s authority.
  6. Misuse of classes, teaching materials and resources ISDE.
  7. Plagiarism or misconduct in performing academic tasks.
  8. Serious breach of Academic Regulations.

The Commission on Academic Assessment of ISDE is the body that assesses the facts and takes appropriate decisions after receiving the views of all parties implicated in the matter.

Disrespect to the Academic regulations and low performance within the PROGRAM may also be cause for denial of appropriate access and continuity. It is the Program Director´s duty to explain these circumstances, his or her recommendation and assessment of the PROGRAM´s Faculty, to ISDE´s Academic Council and the Commission of Scholastic Assessment.

The refusal of access to the PROGRAM or low performance in it, will imply the denial of the Certifying Title of the Degree.

II. Respect of Academic regulations.

The STUDENT is committed to develop within the PROGRAM to the maximum extent possible, reading the topics and readings, performing case studies, correctly performing the assessment tests that are proposed, taking an active participation in classes and performing, if applicable, one Final Master PRACTICAL CASE or other task to be established.

It is the responsibility of the student to follow a behavior in accordance with the provisions of the “Grounds for refusal of access and continuity of the PROGRAM”

III. Visa and residence permits

The STUDENT will be responsible for the handling documentation necessary to obtain the documents for his or her stay and legal residence in the state where the PROGRAM is conducted. He or she will also be responsible for managing and obtaining housing.


IV. Use of the work/s carried out by students

ISDE may make use of the works, projects or any kind of contribution made by the STUDENT during the program without their express written consent.

V. Image rights of the STUDENT

Similarly, ISDE can make video and / or sound recordings of the STUDENT during the program activities and may use such recordings without the express written consent

VI. Data protection of personal details

The STUDENT authorizes ISDE to use personal data in order to develop the provision of education and other matters related, such as job vacancies, information on the subjects of study in ISDE and information on the sectors of economic activity. The student authorizes the transfer of data to other companies in the Broadcasting Law Group for this purpose.

  • If the program taken is the Digital Master Business Administration, the user data will be shared with ISDI – Digitalent Group S.L.
  • If the program taken is the Master in Sports Management and Legal Skills, user data will be shared with Futbol Club Barcelona.
  • If the program taken is the Global Master in Sports Management and Legal Skills, user data will be shared with Futbol Club Barcelona.
  • If the program taken is the Executive Master in Sports Law and Management, the user’s data will be shared with Club Estudiantes, S.A.D.
  • If the program taken is the Master in Industrial, Intellectual Property, Competition and New Technologies, the user’s data will be shared with Pons Escuela de Negocios S.L.
  • If the program taken is the Master in Representation and Management of Artists and Athletes, the users’ data will be shared with Pons Escuela de Negocios S.L.
  • If the program taken is the Course of Access to the Legal Profession, the users’ data will be shared with the Tarrasa Bar Association.

The STUDENT authorizes ISDE and companies of Grupo Difusión to send electronic communications informing of products and services related to the purposes stated in the previous paragraph.

STUDENT data details will be part of the Instituto Superior de Derecho y Economía, S.A. files, and he or she may at any time, exercise rights of access, rectification and cancellation and proving their identity by writing to C / Serrano, 208, 28002 Madrid, or the following email address:


VII. Conditions to receive Scholarships

The different Scholarships and promotions will be granted under the conditions of merit or financial need and determined by the entity that grants the corresponding Scholarship.

The various Scholarships and promotions to access PROGRAMS granted by ISDE or other entities cannot be combined with each other, unless expressly provided under the basis of the Scholarships and promotions.

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