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Constitutional reform: necessary and possible?

20 November, 2015

One of the most current issues and one which most closely links law and politics, is the debate over whether or not to reform our constitution.

One of the most current issues and one which most closely links law and politics, is the debate over whether or not to reform our constitution.

What parts should be reformed?  In what way? What consensus is needed?

These and many other questions are the subject of constant debate in political forums and in the media.

With the objective of contributing to this debate as deeply and rigorously as possible, ISDE and la Universidad Complutense have organised a seminar in which some of the most prominent figures and specialists in the field of law and politics will participate.  Participants include Francisco Rubio Llorente, ex-magistrate of the Constitutional Court and ex-president of the Council of State, Francisco Marhuenda García, professor of institutions at la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos and Director of the daily newspaper La Razón, and Raúl Canosa Usera, dean of the faculty of law and professor of constitutional law at la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, among others.   

The seminar will be held the 26th of November at the faculty of law (facultad de derecho) at la Universidad Complutense.

If you would like more information about this event, as well as information about the participants and schedule, please visit the following link:

Space is limited, if you wish to attend, please let us know as soon as possible by contacting us at the following e-mail address: 




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