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Training in transversal skills is critical to professional success for future generations of lawyers

22 February, 2023

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  • Juan José Sánchez Puig, Managing Director of ISDE, a leading business school in higher education in law and economics, has been interviewed by the prestigious media Expansion.

“The law is increasingly present in all professions”. What these words, Juan José Sánchez, CEO of ISDE, explains the training policy adopted by the business school during the course, in which subjects from different areas are mixed to generate almost a la carte itineraries. “For any manager, minimal legal knowledge will give them extra criteria when making decisions correctly. And this goes through the mastery of various branches of law”.

Law firms are committed to retaining lawyers to get the best professionals, l. ‘The cases have been reduced, and the law firms are being more selective when it comes to signing up’, says the executive. “The star partners, as can be seen, are clear market objectives because by signing them, you get their reputation and the client portfolio”.

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