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(An academic course)





Master in Industrial and Intellectual Property, Competition and New Technologies

  • PONS Business School and ISDE have designed a master’s degree that will allow you to become a key player in the market with more demand, making your passion your profession.

    Specialize in one of the sectors of the future with the endorsement of one of the oldest schools in the field, one of the programs of reference for all the professionals of the law linked to the management and protection of intangibles both in the national and international scene -accredited by the recognized solvency of PONS IP, international leader in topics of industrial and intellectual property for more than 70 years-, as well as the endorsement of a wide group of professionals coming from the main companies and leading institutions in our country.

    Through this Master, you will be able to enter the vanguard of a rapidly expanding legal practice, which demands more and more professionals who are solidly trained in all aspects related to the management of intangibles, both on a legal and management level.

  • CAMPUS: Madrid

    DURATION: One academic year


    Two phases:

    Phase one: Classroom instruction:

    • A full academic year.
    • Classes from Monday to Thursday, in the afternoon
    • Some mornings per week students will attend conferences and practical sessions in offices and institutions collaborating with ISDE, with offices in the city of Madrid.
    • Fridays will be dedicated to personal study, group work and workshops.

    Second phase: Integration in internships:

    • Obligatory phase. One academic semester in law firms or legal departments of big companies collaborating with PONS and ISDE (more than 250) at national and international level.

  • If you have always imagined yourself working in one of the companies that build the future, welcome. With the Master in Industrial and Intellectual Property, Competition and New Technologies of PONS Escuela de Negocios you will be able to play in the front line of a market that does not stop growing because the management of the intangible has become the real engine of innovation. Whether you are a large technological or scientific company, a law firm, an industrial corporation, a research centre, the audiovisual world or the fashion sector, everything revolves around ideas, brands, patents and their protection, which is our speciality.


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